Passionate about creative software

As an Infrastructure Engineer, I am constantly learning and applying my craft. Here are some of the skills I have picked up along the way:

Technology Associated Skills/Libraries Other Notes
DevOps CI/CD Tools (AWS Codebuild, AWS CodePipeline, GitHub, Jenkins), Git, Terraform I'm well versed in many DevOps approaches and Command Line Interface (CLI) tools
Game Development Blender: 3D Animation, Materials, Modelling and Textures.
Unity: C#, Game Deployments, Editor, Inspector Tooling and much more
You can find my games and prototypes on the Projects page
Logging and Metrics ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana), Grafana, Clickhouse, CarbonAPI, AWS Cloudwatch I have worked closely with these technologies as part of my role as an Infrastructure Engineer
Operating Systems Linux (Ubuntu), Windows In my day job I use Ubuntu. For game development, I use a Windows machine.
Python boto3, flask, pytest and many more frameworks I wrote a Hiragana to Romaji matching game called Matchagana in Python.
Scala Akka, Mockito, Play Framework, Zio This website is written in Scala using the Play Framework! The blog system is written in Scala.
Web Development HTML5, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, Node.js, jQuery, Play Framework, Flask I can do frontend and backend development. At the time of writing, I am a frontend developer and I work on open source libraries such as play-frontend-hmrc